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Edilma Rodriguez

Edilma began her career with Goodwill in 2003 as an Employment Support Specialist. She worked with a variety of state programs including W2, Food Share and WIOA. Edilma is a key facilitator and presenter of workshops focusing on career readiness and job retention. Currently, Edilma is the manager at the Goodwill Workforce Connection Center in Milwaukee's Bay View neighborhood. Within this role she builds and connects with a variety of employers and community partners, serving as the primary contact for community outreach. Additionally, she assists clients with their employment search process, which includes resume writing, preparing to interview, and online applications. She has a B.A. in Communication and is a Licensed/Authorized Public Translator and Interpreter.
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Mission Support Center
Tel: (414) 847-4200

James O. Wright Center forWork & Training
Tel: (414) 353-6400

Metropolitan Chicago -
Tel: (312) 994-1440